Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Ebay Bug Has Hit

So, over the course of the years on my price fishing adventures, I could not help but notice that I was seeing many of the same people out and about on the same treasure hunts. Most of the time I was searching for things to fulfill my needs. I have occasionally picked things up here and there for other people out of loving the element of surprise. See I am not one to send a birthday or Christmas gift on marked dates to family or friends. However, when I do find something that I know will put a smile on their face I pick it up and send it as a pleasant surprise. Those are the type of gifts I enjoy receiving so they are naturally the ones I love to send. Only recently have I noticed that the familiar faces I was seeing out and about on the same path as I were out to make some money. Money perhaps to support their hobby of price fishing. I decided to follow in the footsteps.

This past week I started listing several things that I have picked up during my price fishing on Ebay. I love the thrill of an auction. I have found a few items that other people find worth bidding. And it is a rush in its own sense. First finding an item, marking its value, and last but not least....baiting the next price fisher. It has proven profitable thus far. I am rather enjoying it. Now if only I could get Rowan to nap longer than an hour and half so that I can do some listing. When Rhiannon starts the full day of Kindergarten next week, by schedule for price fishing and baiting other price fishers can be a little bit more regimented.

Just to set an example, I came across a kayaking jacket the other day in mint condition for like three bucks and I turned around and sold it for $42.00. So if that is not a good catch I do not know what is.