Sunday, December 27, 2009

We are on the verge of a New Year! Crap! Where does the time go? I have not blogged in months due to an insane shopping drive. Similar in a sense to a man's sex drive, I can not stop thinking about my next treasure. Some may call it an addiction? I have run into several good finds and many stories have unfolded. Now to put them into words.
Over the course of the past few months I have found many items worthy of selling. Ebay was a means to the end. I made some good money on cheap items I found at the nearby thrift stores. A few items worth mentioning was a Dolce and Gabbana leather patchwork jacket which I paid less than five bucks for with a turn around profit of $140.00.
An Estate Sale brought me an unexpected treasure. I purchased a digital picture frame, most likely last years Christmas present as it was still in the box never opened. When I got it home I found two Best Buy gift cards for $50.00 a piece on the inside of the packaging. Completely forgotten about.
The best find of the year has to be the Gift Card I found in a purse I paid $1.50 for at one of my favorite thrift stores. It was a gift card to Coldwater Creek in the amount of $116.00.
Sometimes when I am out and about I find items that end up replacing other things that I already have. Over a year ago I picked up an Electra Beach Cruiser for $15.00 at another of my favorite thrifty places. Recently I was combing the threads of the local swap meet and came across a nice Specialized Mountain Bike. I paid $150.00 for it and in less than a week sold the Electra Beach Cruiser which I hardly ever rode for $200.00.
The addict in me thrives on these finds and is an income of a sort. It will really be hard for me to ever go back to a normal job, because nothing interest me or entertains me as such. For my next blog I hope to have pictures of my Gypsie Hippie all pretty and new! My Airstream Dream. More to come......