Saturday, August 29, 2009

Airstream Dream My Little Gypsy Hippie

Today was a great day, a glorious day, a shiny day. I know a little over board right? Well today marked the day my Little Gypsy Hippie gets a new do. We hitched her up last night and I was on the road at 0630 this morning. My silver 23 foot Airstream International Safari happily cruised behind the trusty Tacoma on I15 and I215 until we met our destination near the San Bernadino Mountains.
It was here at this destination were we met up with the GURU. Yep, he was a short man in his sixties I would guess, who enthusiastically welcomed us to his shop. I would relate him to the guy on the movie Princess Bride who constantly says INCONCEIVABLE. However, to the GURU everything is definitely conceivable, as far as my Airstream was concerned. I spent a good three and half hours at his shop. We talked about everything from rivets to movie stars. This guy polished one of John Travolta's airplanes.
Needless to say I had an Airstream Dream Day. I have had the bug for a few years, but today was the icing on the cake. He showed me his work as he had several vintage trailers on his lot and then we went through pictures upon pictures. I am very tickled to have put the Gypsy Hippie in his hands.
This little rendezvous kept me from following many tempestuous neon signs today. Garage sales just did not fit in the schedule. I am however trying to talk myself out of the swap meet in the morning, is not working well. So the pictures I am posting are of my silver girl as a virgin. I will be sure to post pics of when she has become a lady, all bright and shiny.

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