Sunday, August 23, 2009

The weekend is coming to an end and it has been a very lazy day. Yesterday however, was very eventful which leads to this lazy Sunday. I arose before the crack of dawn, just so that everyone knows how dedicated I am to my treasure hunts, you must know that I was up at 4:00 am. I needed to visit the old cash machine before heading off on my mapped out sales around the Poway area. Craigslist is a wonderful tool I use to help weed out all the stops I do not want to make from the long list of flowering possibilities.

This morning in particular was rather early for me even, yet the web search from the night before gave a clue to one house in particular I did not want to miss. This house listed a collection of Littlest Pet Shop of which was on a list of things to look for for some friends. I gave one of my friends a ring and put a little bird in her ear about the pet shop lot. I was a little skeptical about her making it early enough, so I set my alarm early.

I grabbed cash at the closest credit union and felt a twing of hunger, the only place open at 4:30 in the morning was this grab and go mexican food place not far from our house. I know it was a mexican taco place, what I did not realize was that the primary language was spanish. After about fifteen minutes in the drive-thru I received a bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast burrito. It was huge and appetizing enough. I found myself snacking on it as soon as I arrived at the #1 house for the morning. I turned the van, lights, and music off and sat in the utmost silent moment of the day. I watched the horizon become somewhat lit from a rising sun. Two trucks and a van appoached the house quizzically. I was not the only one on this hunt. I had noticed a bit earlier that a lady had pulled her car out of the drive way and left. I figured she left to go get some one dollar bills. When she drove back up I said good morning to her and she informed me she would not be ready for twenty minutes or so. I asked if she would like any help bringing the items out. She was thankful to have the help, as she had two young children inside. As we brought things out I noticed the bin of LPS and set it aside in the garage because the vultures were already feasting on the spoils we were laying out. I finished helping her bring things out and noticed a familiar van pull up.

The driver in the van was my friend I had called from the night before. I was tickled that she made it and lead her straight to the LPS loot. We purchased the whole lot and planned on going through it later, she wanted to follow me. Yep, she caught the bug. We found a few other sales but it started to rain. We ended up back at her house going through the bin of LPS. She kept a good lot of it because of course my daughter has more than her fair share of LPS found the thrifty way. I convinced my friend to stash the lot of LPS until Christmas. She is excited to set it up around the tree at a fraction of the cost of buying it new. The variety was great and some of the items you can not find in stores anyway. Her little girl is going to have a great Christmas morning.

As I was heading home the same friend called me about another sale she was interested in going. We went and I took her to an Estate sale as well. What was the best about the whole day was knowing that I had another person to price fish with now. And it just so happens that our daughters are pretty good friends and will be good little price fishers with us in the weekends to come.

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