Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kindergarten Here Comes Rhiannon

This past week my little girl started Kindergarten for the second time. It is a long story to tell, so to make it short ... she missed almost four months due to my husbands occupation. Luckily she eligible to start again due to our circumstance. We are very blessed to have the same teacher this year as we had the last. Rhiannon was so excited to be going back to the exact same room with her most favorite person at her elementary school.

In all my thriftiness I was able to find Rhiannon a new with tags outfit from Gymboree off of ebay. The outfit was capri pants, short sleeve shirt, and matching head band, all under $18.00. That price includes the shipping cost. So needless to say every avenue is covered in my price fishing. I thought I would add some photos of Rhiannon's first two days of Kindergarten.

She really had a great couple of days back at her old stomping grounds. We were like old pros witht he routine and we knew plenty of kids and their moms. Nothing like last year when I did not want to leave and say good-bye. Nope, totally opposite, I almost forgot to say good-bye and blow her a kiss. As I rushed back through the door of her classroom I saw her waiting there looking back for me. We blew kisses simultaneously. I love my five year old more today than yesterday.

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